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taliban, afghanistan

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24-Aug-2024, 11:30 AM

The Taliban has as of late strengthened its limitations on ladies in Afghanistan, further settling in strategies that numerous spectators portray as orientation politically-sanctioned racial segregation. Since recovering control of the country in August 2021, the Taliban has efficiently destroyed the privileges and opportunities of ladies, forcing extreme restrictions on their public life, schooling, and business.

Key Restrictions Imposed

  1. Public Speaking and Movement: Women are now prohibited from speaking loudly in public, a directive aimed at ensuring that no stranger hears a woman’s voice. This limitation mirrors the Taliban’s more extensive mission to eradicate ladies’ permeability from public spaces. Ladies should likewise be joined by a male family member, known as a mahram while going external to their homes, and they are simply permitted to leave for critical issues.
  2. Dress Code: The Taliban orders that ladies wear full-body covers, like the burqa, when openly. This requirement is part of a broader strategy to enforce conservative interpretations of Islamic dress codes, which the Taliban claims are essential for maintaining moral standards.
  3. Education and Employment: The Taliban has broadened its prohibition on ladies’ schooling, shutting colleges to female understudies and limiting admittance to auxiliary instruction for young ladies. Women are also barred from working in most sectors, including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which has severely limited their economic opportunities and access to essential services.
  4. Cultural and Social Participation: Ladies are restricted from going to collars, rec centers, and public get-togethers. The conclusion of beauty parlors and limitations on ladies partaking in sports have additionally detached them from public activity. The Taliban’s Service for the Advancement of Righteousness and Avoidance of Bad Habit has been instrumental in implementing these boycotts, frequently utilizing terrorizing and viciousness against the people who stand up to them.

International Response

The worldwide local area has generally censured the Taliban’s activities, marking them as an infringement of common freedoms. The situation has drawn attention from various human rights organizations, which argue that the Taliban’s treatment of women constitutes crimes against humanity. Despite this, the Taliban has shown little willingness to engage in dialogue or reform its policies, maintaining that their governance is based on a strict interpretation of Islamic law.


The Taliban’s new measures against ladies in Afghanistan mirror a continuation of their harsh strategies that started during their most memorable system from 1996 to 2001. The current restrictions not only strip women of their rights but also contribute to a broader climate of fear and repression. As Afghan ladies keep on opposing these draconian measures, the global-local area faces the test of tending to this philanthropic emergency while exploring complex international elements. The situation remains dire, with Afghan women enduring severe hardships in their fight for basic rights and freedoms.

source: ANI

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