Notice from the High Court of Delhi to the Center on a plea for government

Notice from the HC of Delhi to the Center on a plea for government.

04-May-2024, Sat.

High Court notice demanding government accommodation for judicial officers addressed to both the Central government and the Delhi government. However, there was a recent case in the Delhi High Court where they issued a notice to the central government regarding the Delhi High Court itself.

On February 21, 2024, the Delhi High Court sought the Central government’s response to a plea requesting additional space for the High Court’s infrastructure needs.

High Court Takes Up Plea for Judicial Officer Housing


The Delhi High Court has issued notices to the Central Government and the Delhi Government in response to a petition seeking government-provided accommodation for judicial officers. The petition highlights the challenges faced by judicial officers due to a lack of suitable housing options.


The petitioner argues that secure and appropriate housing is crucial for judicial independence. Without access to government accommodation, judges may face difficulties finding secure housing within their budget, potentially impacting their ability to discharge their duties impartially.


The notice directs both the Central Government and the Delhi Government to respond to the petition. This suggests the court may be considering a collaborative solution between the central and state authorities.


The number of judicial officers requiring accommodation is likely to be a key point addressed in the upcoming hearing. Additionally, the feasibility and financial implications of providing government housing will be factors the court considers.

A positive outcome for the petitioner could lead to improved living conditions for judicial officers, potentially contributing to a more independent and efficient judiciary.

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