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Kashmir Police examines Amarnath Yatra security measures in advance.

The Kashmir Police has taken several measures to ensure the security and safety of pilgrims during the upcoming Amarnath Yatra. These measures include:

  1. Drone Surveillance: The security forces are using drone cameras for surveillance to monitor the yatra route and maintain vigilance.
  2. Security Reviews: Top police officials, including the Director General of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) and the Inspector General of Police (IGP) of Kashmir, have reviewed the security arrangements and instructed officials to ensure a seamless yatra.
  3. Logistics and Accommodation: The police have ensured that adequate logistics and accommodation are in place for the pilgrims, including insulated huts and tents at various camps along the route.
  4. Medical Preparations: The police have advised pilgrims to prepare physically for the yatra by starting a preparatory walk and deep breathing exercises. They are also advised to carry essential medicines and medical supplies.
  5. Weather Forecasting and Disaster Management: The government has deployed cutting-edge technology for weather forecasting, disaster management, traffic management, and logistics to ensure the safety of pilgrims.
  6. Enhanced Security and Surveillance: The IGP Kashmir has called for enhanced security and surveillance measures to be taken ahead of the yatra, ensuring that all necessary precautions are in place to protect the pilgrims.

These measures aim to create a secure and harmonious environment for the pilgrims undertaking the 62-day yatra to the 3,880-meter-high cave shrine of Amarnath in the Himalayas, which begins on July 1.

o ensure you are physically fit for the Amarnath Yatra, follow these tips:

Physical Preparation

  • Start a preparatory morning or evening walk of about 4-5 km per day, at least a month prior to the yatra.
  • Practice deep breathing exercises and yoga, particularly pranayama, to improve the oxygen efficiency of your body.

Clothing and Gear

  • Carry adequate woollen clothing, a small umbrella tied with an elastic band around your head and supported by a strap around the chin, windcheater, raincoat, waterproof trekking shoes, torch, walking stick, cap, gloves, jacket, and woollen socks.
  • Ladies should wear salwar kameez, pant-shirt, or a track suit. Sarees are not suitable.

Health Precautions

  • If you suffer from any pre-existing medical conditions, consult your doctor before the yatra.
  • Drink lots of water, about 5 litres of fluid per day, to combat dehydration and headaches.
  • Consume plenty of carbohydrate-rich foods to reduce fatigue and prevent low blood sugar levels.
  • Carry portable oxygen as it is helpful if you have difficulty breathing.
  • If you develop symptoms of high altitude sickness, descend immediately to a lower elevation.

Other Tips

  • Children below 13 years and elderly above 75 are not allowed to undertake the yatra.
  • Pregnant women more than 6 weeks pregnant are not allowed.
  • Travel in a group, with porters or horses carrying your luggage.
  • Ensure all group members remain in sight to avoid getting separated.
  • Strictly follow instructions issued by the yatra administration

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