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Opposition criticizes the UP government’s enforcement of ID displays at all state stores along the Kanwar Yatra route.

Opposition Criticizes UP Government’s ID Display Enforcement Along Kanwar Yatra Route. The Uttar Pradesh government’s decision to enforce ID displays at all state stores along the Kanwar Yatra route has drawn significant criticism from the opposition parties. The Kanwar Yatra is an annual pilgrimage undertaken by devotees of Lord Shiva, and the government’s move has been seen as an attempt to exert control over the event.

Key Points of Criticism

  • Inconvenience to Pilgrims: The resistance groups contend that the necessity for ID showcases could impede the smooth progression of the yatra, making bottlenecks and postponements for great many fans who depend on these stores for provisions during their journey. This could lead to unnecessary congestion and frustration among the pilgrims.
  • Privacy Concerns: Critics have raised concerns about the implications of requiring personal identification in public spaces, arguing that it may infringe on the privacy rights of individuals and discourage participation in the yatra. They accept that this action could prompt a feeling of disquiet among the pioneers, possibly influencing their otherworldly experience.
  • Political Thought Processes: The resistance hosts blamed the decision gathering for involving the ID show strategy as a way to apply command over the strict occasion, recommending that it is important for a more extensive system to screen and deal with the developments of pioneers. This analysis depends on the understanding that the public authority is attempting to apply command over the occasion as opposed to guaranteeing the well-being and security of the explorers.
  • Call for Reassessment: Opposition leaders have urged the government to reconsider this policy, advocating for alternative measures that ensure safety and security without imposing undue burdens on the devotees. They accept that the public authority ought to zero in on guaranteeing the smooth lead of the yatra as opposed to forcing superfluous guidelines.

Background and Context

The Kanwar Yatra is a significant religious event in Uttar Pradesh, attracting thousands of devotees from across the state and beyond. The yatra includes a parade of lovers conveying water from the Ganga Stream to different sanctuaries and places of worship committed to Ruler Shiva. The event is marked by a sense of devotion, community, and spiritual significance.

Government’s Justification

The Uttar Pradesh government has supported the ID show strategy by referring to security concerns and the need to keep everything under control during the yatra. They contend that this action is important to forestall any possible interruptions or security dangers during the occasion. However, the opposition parties have questioned the necessity and effectiveness of this policy, arguing that it is an unnecessary burden on the pilgrims.


The opposition’s criticism of the UP government’s ID display enforcement along the Kanwar Yatra route highlights the delicate balance between ensuring security and maintaining the spiritual and cultural significance of the event. While the government may have legitimate security concerns, the opposition argues that the policy is overly intrusive and may undermine the very essence of the yatra. The discussion highlights the requirement for a nuanced approach that offsets security with the necessities and responsive qualities of the travelers.

Source: ANI

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